dimecres, 8 de juny del 2011

Good bye ESO!!

I'm sad because the ESO in Castelló d'Empúries is finishing. I hope passing the course with good grades.
During this four years, I liked the most was knowing a lot of people and many teachers. But the worst moments have been the work and study for exams, but the research work I think this year has been the worst.
One of the best things in this year has been the trip to Italy, we had a great time: now we know various parts of Rome, Florence, Pisa ... Anna taught us the art of Gothic churches and cathedrals, we enjoyed the people, the metro, the Baticà, the hotels, at night... The other think was incredivel this year has been the Play-Back, one of the best activities of the ESO.
All this is very nice, but the next year I'm going to do the science batxillerat and I am told it is very difficult. I'll do a lot of effort to have some high notes.
In the future I want to have a career but now I am not know what to choose.

dimecres, 1 de juny del 2011


In this project, I and Sabrina choosed The Beauty and the Beast because was the best song.

Tourists interview

View more presentations from eli95.

The first man lived in Pennsylvania. He chose Catalonia for his holidays, because he never has been Spain. He travelled with his family and his friends, in total they were nine person. They stayed a week and a half. He visited Roses, Pals, Figueres... in Catalonia. He loves Catalonia. The food he liked most was the bread with tomatoes and his father loved the ''patatas braves''. For he, this holidays were beautiful and fun. He thought come back the another time in Catalonia.

Romeo & Juliet: An ipod story

dimarts, 15 de març del 2011

News in English

Universitat Autònoma
A young university with a long future ahead of it
The Universitat Autònima de Barcelona (UAB) was founded in 1968. The founders aimed to establish four principles of autonomy: freedom to select teaching staff, admission available to all students (although in limited numbers), freedom to create its own study plants and freedom to administrate the univeristy’s capital. It is therefore a young university, but in its short history it has moved fordware at a rapid pace.
UAB’s structure includes three campuses, all in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and its outskirt.

The new explain that the UAB’s structure includes three campus. One of there is in the Universitat Atònoma. This campus as well as to a significant scientific and technological cluster. This institute create to meet the specific needs for important fields of researched.

Forward: cap a davant
Freedom: llibertat
Outskirts: als afores
Aimed: apuntava
Cluster: grup
Full: ple

We agree that the University carry out the three new campus. This means that are many students in the UAB, 78 undergraduate courses, 125 official master degrees…

When she was young

dimecres, 9 de març del 2011

Romeo & Juliet: eternal lovers on St Valentine day

1.What do you know about Romeo and Juliet?
I know that it's a love story about two young mans, Juliet and Romeo. They fall in love, but their families didn’t let them be together.

2.Where did they live?
They lived in Verona, Italy.

3.What were their family names?
The family's Juliet called Capulet and the family's Romeo called Montangue.

4.Who wrote the story?
The story was written by William Shakespeare.

5.When was the story written?
The story was written in 1597.

6. What is the source of this story(origin)?
For the creation of Romeo and Juliet, Shakeaspeare was based on several elements for a long tradition of tragic stories about love by Arthur Brook in 1562.

7. Is it a comedy or a tragedy? why?
It's a tragedy because at the end, Romeo and Juliet died for love.

8. Is a similar story possible today? Justify your answer.
No it isn't, because I think that today the love is very different than before. Today the people think that if fall
in love this thing is very well, but unlike they think that nothing happens, but already found forward.