dimarts, 5 d’octubre del 2010

The animal in me

 Image source: national geographic

I haven't got favourite animal but this photo is very incredible and fabulous. The bear is big but in this photo are two bears cubs, this animal normaly do fear at the persons but this image is very original, diferent and pleasant. 
At one moment they look at you with their intrigued eyes, and suddenly run away scared by unknown behavior. These two seven-Month-old cubs thought that holding hands would make the danger disappear.
The bears are intelligent, they have a large brain compared to their size, they are one of the more intelligent mammals, they have excellent long-term memory, their navigation ability is superior to humans.
The bears are good swimmers, they can swim at least a mile and a half in fresh water and they can cross rivers and small lakes.
They can climb up a tree quite quickly and they can run uphill and downhill and on flat ground. For short distances they have been clocked at speeds of up to 55km/h.

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